Freedom of Speech

Major Project-Guideline and Instructions

Choose from (1) one of the topics below:

a. Freedom of Speech
b. Intellectual Property
c. Social Media and the Law
d. Ethics, Media, and Worldviews

Each of these topics fall under your Course Materials- Contemporary Media Ethics


Print and Broadcast News Media

The Internet and Social Media

Public Relations and Advertising

Review your Social Media and the Law textbook as a reference and research.

In your Major Project, you will now build your own Case Study utilizing one of the topics above –
Freedom of Speech, Intellectual Property, Social Media and the Law, Ethics, Media, and Worldviews.

• You will develop your own Case Study. Incorporate areas that address ethical issues, religious views, and legal aspects of your study.

Describe and provide overview of philosophers and explain their ethics as discussed in Contemporary Media Ethics.

Describe religious views and how they would apply to your study.

Describe and explain the laws or regulations and how they apply to your study.