Technological transfer: where parts would be designed and built Who the customers? Is there a particular growth plan- if so, what is it?

COMAC has been at the forefront of establishing a viable business in a highly competitive market. As a company it is uniquely placed to design and execute one- This notwithstanding the firm has faced several challenges over the years in its quest to attain relevant success. To this end, provide a 2000-word report that offers them a clear path for continued growth post 2021. The recommendations must critically evaluate the following:-

Examine the strategic Vision of the Firm
Analyze the type of aircraft selected as the initial product- Why?
Examine the internal capabilities of the firm
Explore the supply chain- understand the nature of the commercial contracts
Technological transfer: where parts would be designed and built
Who the customers? Is there a particular growth plan- if so, what is it?
Explore the dynamics of the industry- how do competitors grow their business?
Examine the sales funnel dynamics- what time leads are there on the order books?
How does this affect Comac’s strategy?
Examine the issues of pilots- operational issues- training, certification etc.
Explore geopolitical issues- aligned to competition, government regulation etc.

Avoid descriptive narratives- End eavour to develop analytical arguments that blend theoretical concepts and practical interpretations
Acknowledge or ensure you demonstrate an understanding of the sector
Use a critical lens throughout the report and offer meaningful recommendations.


Any work submitted by a student in this course for academic credit must be the student’s own work. If you present, as your own idea, any material copied, paraphrased, or extensively drawn upon, you are plagiarizing—unless you give full citations for your sources. Of course, you may make full use of ideas, arguments and information obtained from books etc. but you must make clear which portion of your paper is not your own and provide a detailed reference to the original source.

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You are responsible for ensuring that you have read and understood the section entitled “Academic Integrity” in the Student Handbook. If you have any questions about that material, please speak to your instructor.