Write a critical analysis report of a selected organization (YULL SHOES) and demonstrate how relevant strategic management theory, tools and concepts could be applied into the current strategic management practices (Post-Covid-19).

Main Objective of the assessment
The main objectives of this assessment are to develop: –
(1) A critical understanding of application of strategic management theories into business practices of firms
(2) Ability to evaluate the nature and complexity of strategic management practices and examine strategic change issues in the strategy process.
(3) Critical skills with regards to the ability to appraise and synthesise the strategic analysis of an organisation to craft appropriate strategic recommendations.
(4) Written communication skills in the form of written reports.
Description of the Assessment

Write a critical analysis report of a selected organization (YULL SHOES) and demonstrate how relevant strategic management theory, tools and concepts could be applied into the current strategic management practices (Post-Covid-19). The submission consist of two parts:

Part 1: Situational and Organisational assessment (2 page trifold brochure) (50%)
Firstly, evaluate the key environmental factors impacting the industry of the given organisation. Discuss the industry competitiveness, and include its justification.
Secondly, assess the strategic resources and competencies of the given organisation. Discuss their core competencies and sustainable competitive advantage, and include its justification.

For part 1, you are required to use strategic tools discussed in class (such as PESTLE, 5 Forces, VRIOS, strategic mapping) as part of your analysis. Please note that we are looking into your critical evaluation derived from doing the analysis, and not the descriptive analysis of the tools. The tools should be included in the appendix.

Part 2: Strategy evaluation (1500 words) (50%)
Firstly, evaluate the current strategy of the organisation based on what you know of their strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats, derived from your PART 1 analysis and ANSOFF matrix.
Secondly, analyse why this strategy might be suitable, acceptable and feasible for the organisation
Finally, briefly identify and justify another potential strategic direction for the organisation. Given the nature of this analysis there must be a contemporary and inventive flavour to much of the relevant data.
You can include the completed tools in the appendix.

You should use any current evidences from any secondary sources such as published news articles, business magazines, social medias, company reports, websites, market research reports and academic sources e.g. journals articles, books, to demonstrate your in-depth critical evaluation of the company. Appropriate key strategic management theories and concepts should be used to support your critical evaluation.

Guideline of your report’s content will be as follows:
Executive summary
Part 1: Situational and Organisational assessment – 2 trifold brochure
Part 2:
Strategy evaluation (1500 words) – 1500 words that evaluate the current strategy of the organisation based on what you know of their strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats, derived from your PART 1 analysis.
From the ANSOFF matrix for the organisations, evaluate the current growth strategy based on the generic strategies, SWOT.
Offer relevant recommendations (the way forward /strategic options for the company)