Demonstrate a positive attitude towards work through project management techniques and problem solving

O3 Demonstrate effective small business planning and performance.
LO4 Critically evaluate the potential issues arising that may impact the success of
small business management through entrepreneurship.
TASK 2: Business Plan, (Individual)
You will present your business plan to potential investors. The investors will look at the viability
of your business and the supporting information presented. You should demonstrate effective
small business planning and provide justified reasoning and evidence/data to support the
performance and viability of your business proposal. (LO3) The investors will evaluate potential
issues that may impact on the success of your business enterprise. (LO4)
Other relevant assessment information:
You will need to include and reference academic sources including at least 2 books, 2
statistical/numerical sources and 2 journals that provide supporting evidence for any assertions
that you make. You will also need to incorporate research relevant to your business plan. Your
business plan, presentation and any supporting notes should be submitted online, through
Turnitin, 2,500 words (+/-10%)
This task will meet learning outcomes LO3 & L04 for this module and has a 70% weighting
The skills development opportunities identified in this assignment are:
• Practice secondary data research skills to acquire and utilise the necessary and relevant
contextual and theoretical information required of the module.
• Numerical analysis skills in the review of financial and market research data.
• Demonstrate critical thinking, problem solving, communication, IT and presentation skills
in the completion of assessments and during the formative assessment and interaction
within the classroom
• Leadership, management, and synthesis skills will be used to generate and justify valid
conclusions in the completion of a business plan.
• Demonstrate a positive attitude towards work through project management techniques
and problem solving