Complete a report on the practical investigations into the activity of the enzyme Alkaline

ATP in Health Science

Task 1: Complete a report on the practical investigations into the activity of the enzyme Alkaline

Phosphatase undertaken in class. Additional information will be provided in the unit handbook and during
the practical session itself (assessment criteria 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4).
Your report must be illustrated and fully referenced.

2.1 Explain the lock and key and induced fit hypotheses of
enzyme action
2.2 Explain the role of enzymes in metabolic processes
2.3 Interpret data relating to the effect of temperature, pH or
inhibitors on enzyme activity
2.4 Explain the effect of temperature, pH and inhibitors on enzyme activity Alkaline Phosphatase Report Structure
The report should be structured in the following way:
· Title
· Introduction – start by discussing enzyme structure and function in quite general terms (including Lock & Key and Induced Fit theories), then move on to talk about Alkaline Phosphatase and its role in the body. You don’t need to explain all its metabolic roles, just focus on those that you find interesting (e.g. it’s at high levels in the placenta and lactating mammary glands!). That will cover assessment criteria 2.1 and 2.2.
· Methods and Materials – don’t be tempted to copy out what’s in the book. Just write “As in class handbook” and leave it at that.
· Results – just include the table in screenshot 3
· Discussion – What did the results show? Which test tubes gave the best reactions and why? This should be linked to the theories of how temperature, pH and inhibitors affect enzymes. Are our results as expected? What sort of inhibitor is L-phenylalanine? There are a few questions in the class notes to help you with this (sessions 13 &14)
Finally – are you able to offer any suggestions as to how the experiment could be improved?
Don’t forget to reference your report and include appropriate diagrams.
There should be 3 images and a video included in the files you will need and a file called Task 1 Unit 3 Cell Metabolism. If these are not accessible email me