In what ways has Julia changed from the start to the end of the story? Look at her interactions with her mom and Lorena in chapter 28 for some differences in how she behaves by the end.

Journal Questions for Chapters 28-29
Instructions: Read the final chapters and respond to the following questions:
1. What do you think Julia’s poem “Pandora” means? Identify at least one symbol
she uses and what you think it represents. (Page 280 in the PDF, Page 330 in the
2. In what ways has Julia changed from the start to the end of the story? Look at her
interactions with her mom and Lorena in chapter 28 for some differences in how
she behaves by the end.
3. Why is the song “Todo Cambia” so important to Julia? Why does the author
include the lyrics in the book?
4. What is your reaction to the last line of the novel: “These last two years I combed
and delved through my sister’s life to better understand her, which meant I
learned to find pieces of myself —both beautiful and ugly—and how amazing is it
that I hold a piece of her right here in my hands”?
5. Do you think she will ever tell her parents about Olga’s affair and pregnancy?
Why or why not?
6. What does it mean to “decide” to believe something positive when you’re used to
“jumping to horrible conclusions”? (Page 279 in PDF and 330 in the book)