Business Plan Assignment
Produce a partial business plan for a hypothetical business you might like to establish. This
should be a small business in scale and should be of your own design. While your business may
be similar to other established businesses it must not be a franchise. For purposes of this
assignment the business should also be a physical one and not purely online.
Your business plan should contain each of the following sections. Use the section headings in
your assignment.
For an example of a plan see Chapter 16 of the textbook “Small Business Management in the
21st Century”. Please note you are not producing a full plan. Do not use business planning
software for this assignment.
Part One: Introduction
A: Executive Summary: Create a one-page summary for your plan. Appears first but is done last.
This is a very important part of your plan and should include details about marketing, finance
and operations.
B: Business Philosophy / Mission Statement: Outline the philosophy of your business and its
C: Product/Service Description: Describe the products and/or services you will be providing.
Outline the customer benefits and why your chosen product/services will be successful. You
must also include retail prices in this section and estimate how many units you will sell for each
product on a monthly basis.
D: Self Analysis: Explain why you are a good candidate for starting up your business. Ideas to
ponder: reliability, creativity, teamwork skills, education, list of special talents such as computer
skills, job experiences etc.