What type of psychotherapy might you recommend for Santiago? Provide a rationale. How would you explain to Adelina how this intervention could help her son?

Study Santiago Gordon-Cruz is a six-year-old Argentinian boy who witnessed the murder of his father, Manuel, six months ago. Manuel was shot multiple times during a robbery in the bodega where he worked. Since the murder, Santiago has had trouble sleeping, often cries, and has been refusing to leave the house. His mother, Adelina,notes that Santiago regularly complains that his tummy hurts, is startled by any sudden or loud noises, and constantly wants to be held by family members. He hasa poor appetite and he sleeps poorly.The family is Catholic. Adelina says that she has told Santiago many times that his father is in heaven, and they pray for him every day. Her son does not appear to be comforted by this.The Gordon-Cruz family legally immigrated to the United States about four years ago. Santiago and Adelina speak English, although the family primarily speaks their native Spanish at home and in their community. Questions From your perspective as Santiago’s psychiatric nurse practitioner, answer the following questions in atwo- to three-page double-spaced paper (not including the reference page) in APA format. Include at least two peer-reviewed, evidence-based references (not including your textbooks).

1. What type of psychotherapy might you recommend for Santiago? Provide a rationale. How would you explain to Adelina how this intervention could help her son?

2. Identify a case conceptualization based on cognitive behavioral therapy for this case.

3. What level of care would you recommend for Santiago? How often would you want to see him? Are there any recommendations you would make for the family as a whole?