What is really going on in this case? What types of problems are there e.g. human resources, leadership, motivation, legal, lack of skills, quality.

Medication Errors reporting at the community memorial hospital

a. Read the case carefully and ask yourself the following questions: What is really going on in this case? What types of problems are there e.g. human resources, leadership, motivation, legal, lack of skills, quality.
b. Make a list of all the problems you can identify. Are some problems the cause of other problems. For example, a problem easy to identify is loss of revenue—but you must dig deeper—why is there a loss of revenue? What is causing it? What secondary problems result as a loss of revenue?
c. Who are the key players—what steps have been taken to address the problem—do you agree or disagree with the steps taken.
d.. This analysis will let you identify and understand the major problem or problems or the one that stands out immediately i.e. failed a site visit by the Joint Commission; but also allow you to identify secondary or underlying issues.
2. OUTCOME: Determine the outcome—what should the result be; i.e. increased revenues or increased quality, or reduced costs, or coming in under budget. The outcome may be more than one; i.e. passing a site visit and increasing revenues—or increasing motivation thus increasing productivity .
3. THE SOLUTION: Now that you have identified the major/key problem or problems you must select the solution or solutions which would improve the situation and which has the best chance of successfully addressing the key problems. One solution may involve having to lay off staff—well maybe another solution may achieve the same outcome without having a lay-off.
4.CASE STUDY WRITE UP. 1. Background: Identify the problems—be specific and direct; 2. Same with outcome—be specific and direct; 3. Solution-describe the solutions you have selected and state why you have selected them. 4. REFER TO & QUOTE FROM THE TEXT i.e. if describing leadership use the name that is in the text e.g. pacesetter do not just say the leadership must be strong etc. Same with motivation—give the concept described in the text to demonstrate your understanding of the concept and can apply it to the case study; or if having to make a decision involving finance and/or budgets what method would you use as described in the Chapter 10, Managing Costs and Revenues.