Which author or authors that we have read support your position? What evidence do they provide?

Write an essay analyzing the issues raised by these arguments. Be sure to indicate which side you most strongly agree with. Support your position, providing reasons and examples from your own experience and observations, discussions you have participated in, and texts you have read for this unit. Your essay should be as clearly focused, well organized, and carefully written as you can make it.

Questions such as the ones below will help you plan what you want say before you begin to write your essay.

Do you agree with the majority of Supreme Court justices who argued to abolish mandatory life in prison for juveniles who commit murder or with the minority who argued to retain it?

Which author or authors that we have read support your position? What evidence do they provide?

Which author or authors support those who disagree with you?
What evidence do they provide?

Sketch out a plan for the arguments and evidence you will use in your essay.