Compare the new environment to a similar type environment in which you are very comfortable using the exact same concepts you used when describing the first environment.

Choose a new environment that you have never been in before that is safe and which you feel comfortable going to in light of any current restrictions. Choose a similar environment you have been to before.Visit each location to observe the environment.
In your 2-3 page paper, be sure to address the following:
Describe the new environment using at least three concepts referenced in your textbook or from the module (e.g., formality, warmth, color). Make sure you bold course concepts on first reference. When describing the environment, think about physical characteristics, what is happening, and your perceptions of the environment.
Compare the new environment to a similar type environment in which you are very comfortable using the exact same concepts you used when describing the first environment.

Answer the question “Why do you think the environments invoked similar or different feelings in you?” There are links to Fishers District and Broad Ripple which are both cultural eatery and pub areas.