How did the documentary further your understanding of the broader course topics or concepts?

View the documentary assigned for this week’s Module through the link below and answer the questions listed below. The documentary will provide a further exploration of one or more of the key concepts and topics covered in this Module while your analysis will provide you with an opportunity to reinforce your critical thinking skills.

Your answer to each of the three questions should be approximately two to three sentences in length. The best answers will be thorough and specific. While you do not have to recount every item of information within the documentary, you should use specific details to illustrate your points and back up your analysis. Avoid relying solely on short generalizations such as “the documentary explored 20th-century U.S. history.”

Documentary Link

Documentary Questions

1)Give a brief description of the documentary or virtual tour subject and point of view. (What did the documentary or virtual tour say about the subject?)

2)How accurately and extensively did the documentary or virtual tour cover the topic addressed? Would you recommend the documentary or virtual tour to other students? Why or why not?

3)How did the documentary further your understanding of the broader course topics or concepts?