Clearly list and discuss the recommendations specific to the research problem

Project Report

Introduction and research problem (around 5-10% of your total word count)
Introduction to topic
Overview of the industry partner

What real problem does your research seek to resolve?

Why is this problem such a big issue for your industry partner? Why is it important that you research it? Convince us that your project is important and that it will help your industry partner
State the overall research aim based on this problem
Outline the structure of the report (for the audience/reader)
Theoretical background – Literature review (around 25-30% of your total word count)
Clearly identify the factors investigated in the project

Discuss what others have found in this research space and individual factors
For independent factors, explain the relation with the dependent factor.

Link your literature review back to your problem space and use this as a foundation to formulate your research questions.
Research Design (around 5-10% of your total word count)
Only provide an overview of YOUR research design
Inform and justify the nature of your research approach (qualitative, quantitative, mixed methods)

Describe and justify your sample (who, how did you find them, sampling method and technique used)

Describe how data was collected (in-person/online/..) and which research tool(s) (e.g. interviews, surveys, etc.) were used

Explain how the research plan addressed all ethical concerns
Findings (around 10-15% of your total word count)
Present sample characteristics (e.g. age, gender, income…)

Clearly differentiate between quantitative and qualitative findings
Use figures, graphs, tables to visualise findings. Add numbers and titles for all visuals. Be creative in presenting the findings!

Discussion (around 20-25% of your total word count)

Discuss implications of qualitative and quantitative findings
Triangulate (compare) quantitative and qualitative findings (if mixed method was used)
Compare findings with the literature reviewed earlier
Clearly state the answers to research question (one that focused on finding the causes of the problem) you found from the findings presented above
Recommendations (around 10-15% of your total word count)
Clearly list and discuss the recommendations specific to the research problem
Make sure all recommendations are based on findings of your research project
Can also include any suggestions you have for the industry partner in regards to implementing your recommendations
Limitations and Conclusion (around 5-10% of your total word count)
Inform the readers and management of any limitations that they should be aware of if they are to implement your recommendations

Provide a brief summary of the project including major findings, recommendations and potential outcomes if recommendations are implemented by the management