What were the two foundations of the strength of the TRC process?

CRIMINAL JUSTICE CJ502 –FINAL ASSIGNMENTAlbie Sachs, South Africa’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission:Turning Negativity into PositivityInstructions: Instead of taking aFinal Examall you mustdo is watch one final lecture (Albie Sach’s on South Africa’s Truth and ReconciliationCommission) and answers some questions.It will also be the easiest 250 points you will ever get. South African apartheid was a racial caste system that existed from 1948 to 1994.

It was a de jure (by law) system that legally segregated people based on four racial classes and disenfranchised non-whites. Under “grand apartheid” people were forcibly relocated based on race. While the United States was dismantling legal segregation, South Africa was expanding it.Apartheid led to a thirty-year conflict of brutal internecine violence and gross human rights atrocities; perpetrated primarily, but not only, by the apartheid regime. After the conflict ended and South Africa entered reconstruction, the question of accountability for war crimes loomed. Very innovative and very controversial, the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) was born of that process.

Our final project in Criminal Procedure is to listen to a lecture by JudgeAlbie Sachs about the TRC, his personal experience with it, and with rebuilding South Africa.Listen to my introduction and review the introductory slides on Truth and Reconciliation, then watch Albie Sachs’ lecture on iLearn and answer the following study questions and one of the thought questions. Submit your answers on iLearn.You can find the video on iLearn and here: https://vimeo.com/28571247QUESTIONS FOR STUDY:

1.What is Albie’s soft vengeance?

2.According to Albie, how did the Truth and Reconciliation process (TRC) emerge?

3.What were the two foundations of the strength of the TRC process?

4.What is the difference between blanket amnesty and acknowledgment?

5.Did everyone who applied for amnesty get it?

6.What were the three sections of TRC?

7.What moment symbolized the moral collapse of apartheid?

8.What is the difference between knowledge and acknowledgment?

9.What are the four truths Albie invented?
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10.Which two correspond to ordinary court cases? Which two corresponded to the TRC process?

11.According to Albie, what is one of the worst features of past criminality?

12.How did the TRC create a basis for healing?

13.Did Henry every get amnesty?

14.What did you like better, Albie’s singing or his fashion sense?(They have both grown on me over the y