What is the background to the organization, size, type, culture etc?

Training/communication within organisation

Introduction: 500 words
What is the problem being considered in the case study?
Why did you select this problem in your case study?
What is the background to the organization, size, type, culture etc?

Literature review: 1000 words
What are the academic issues that underpin the case study?

Data and Sources: 250 words
How did you collect the information for the case study?
What type of information did you collect?
What are the strengths and weakness of the information you have?
Did you have problems accessing the information?

The Case: 1000 words
Outline critically discuss and consider the actual case that you are exploring. What are the main issues with the case? How does this compare with other organizations or issues outlined in the course.

Conclusions and Recommendations : 250 words
Reflection on issues raised by the case study and consider what could be done to address or resolve these issues. For example any specific recommendations?, do you feel the organization could operate differently?, refine process et?/