How did the Cold War dynamics impact the Arab-Israeli conflict?


The question is in Cold War context.

-Intro: (500 words) State your argument clearly and a road map of what the essay will talk about. First the essay will talk about…., second the essay will look at the academic literature on…., third ….. Also include the aim of each part and the correlation…..

-Literature Review:(1000 words) A range of views. Examine the potential answers to the question and critique ideas. Include for example post-colonial theory view to explain it is an international issue

-Argument:(2000 words) Your own view. State argument clearly. Include actors and agreements at play, colonialism, orientalism. What role did colonialism play in the creation of Israel? How did the Cold War dynamics impact the Arab-Israeli conflict? Did the Arab-Israeli conflict impact interantional relations more widely?What do you see to be the most important hindrance to peace? (ALL THESE QUESTIONS MUST BE ANSWERED IN THE ESSAY TO SUPPORT ARGUMENT) BE ANALYTICAL NOT DESCRIPTIVE!!!! use evidence to support argument. comapre it with other work to strengthen argument.State your point, use evidence to support ur argument, explain and evaluate ur argument, link it to the question)

-Conclusion:(500 words) Restate your argument, dont state anything new


-First sentence of each paragraph should tell us what the paragraph will talk about.

– Throughout the essay it is important to be analytical not descriptive. The essay should be simple and straightforward. Easy to understand. Do not use complex language. keep it simple.

– No plagiarism allowed ( cite and paraphrase when necessary)