From the list below choose one medication that could be used for one of the illnesses described in your response to question


1Describe the following mental health models:

•Moral Model

•Medical Model

•Community Mental Health Model In you answer include examples of changing attitudes to mental health and mental illness.

2From the list below choose two Mental Health programmes and provide description and evaluation of the roles and responsibilitiesof each agency in relation to recovery, improving and maintaining mental health.

•See Me Scotland

•Heads Together

•Choose Life

•Time to Change

•Think Positive

•Mental Health Strategy 2017-2027

•or any other relevant programme agreed by your lecturer.

3From the list below choose two illnesses,provide description of each illness, and explain how each illness affects individual’s behaviour and day to day activities.

•Clinical depression

•Generalised Anxiety Disorder



•Eating Disorders

•or any other relevant illness agreed by your lecturer.

4 From the list below choose one medication that could be used for one of the illnesses described in your response to question

3, explain how it works (advantages) and describe common side effects:






•or any other relevant medication agreed by your lecturer.

5From the list below choose one therapythat could beused for one of the illnesses described in your response to question

3, explain how it works (advantages) and describe disadvantages of this therapy:

•Cognitive BehaviouralTherapy


•Animal therapy

•Family Therapy

•Art Therapy

•or any other relevant therapy agreed by your lecturer.

Suggested word count 1000-1500 words. Submission via TurnitIn. Re-assessment arrangementsIf the candidate’s evidence does not satisfy all the assessment standards, the candidate only needs to be re-assessed on the specific assessment standards that have not been met. Assessors should keep accurate records of all assessment decisions.