Describe the use of holistic therapies in health and social care contexts.

K3 Describe the use of holistic therapies in health and social care contexts.
K4 Outline the role of independent provision to address unmet needs.
13 Review the use of creative and innovative approaches through
independent provision in light of under pinning policies
P2 Demonstrate critical review of the application and efficacy of technology, holistic therapies and independent provision across health and social care contexts.
P3 Show awareness of current challenges and opportunities in health and social care regarding innovative practices.
T1 Reflect on current issues concerning the use of assistive technology, holistic
therapies and independent
provision for practitioners across health and social care context.
T2 Work independently to research the efficacy of a range of innovative practices in health and social care.
T3 Work collaboratively to communicate the challenges and opportunities regarding the application of innovative practices in health and social care.