How should results from students’ language assessments guide instructional planning decisions related to text complexity and language development tasks?

Q 1. Following current events related to immigration reform, a group of students came to school wearing t-shirts representing national flags from a variety of countries and were bullied by fellow students with a variety of racial and ethnic slurs. How would you respond to both groups? Be sure to cite any applicable case law, school board policies, and state laws to support your answer.

Q 2. Imagine that the cell phone you have confiscated has readily visible sexually inappropriate messages on it. How would you handle the situation? Be sure to cite any applicable case law, school board policies, and state laws to support your answer.

Q 3. Why do you think it is important to plan when you are going to instruct one or more students who need AT? How do teachers determine key concept vocabulary and action words to include on a device or in pictures to promote engagement during instruction for a given topic?

Q 4. How should results from students’ language assessments guide instructional planning decisions related to text complexity and language development tasks?