How do the humanities impact your life? In other words, where does music fit in?

In this Blog, we will explore our relationship to the Humanities and how they affect our culture and our world, Each week (weeks 1-3-5-7 ) you will create a blog by responding to the prompt. It is important to consider the blog as a visual media, adding photos, videos, links and other media to enhance and expand your ability to communicate your ideas to broader audience. So, be creative, or expansive and share
your ideas here.
Week 1 Prompt
How do the humanities impact your life? In other words, where does music fit in? Whpre do images? Dance? Architecture? Creative language? Film? Literature? Create a list of humanities you are already enjoying or participating and tell us what they mean to you personally. Share your favorite song or video and tell us
why it is important. Choose one piece or art of literature that has meaning to you and tell us where you first encountered it.
Minimum 350 Words