Discuss the influence of feminism in the life of Elizabeth Gilbert in Eat,Pray,Love

Novel eat love pray

This paper will discuss the influence of feminism in the life of Elizabeth Gilbert in Eat,Pray,Love
MLA style
Comparing between novel and film of novel
Use theories
🌸Reader response
And two article from uaeu library

8page include work cited

An outline
▪ Do problems affect our thought and push us to do efforts to get rid of them?
▪ Eat Pray Love, subtitled “One Woman’s Search for Everything Across Italy, India and Indonesia
▪ The has chosen to visit three places that begin with “I”, which is a metaphor for what she hopes to find by the end of her journey: a sense of self, or independence.
Thesis: In my essay, I will highlight the novel starting with giving a comprehensive overview about the author, the events of the story, an arguments about the story, through evidences, and finally conclusion about the story.

1. Historical Context
A. Author and Story
▪ Gilbert is a writer by trade; she worked at GQ for five years .
▪ She had already published two novels (Stern Men and The Last American Man) when Eat Pray Love was written.
▪ Elizabeth M. Gilbert (born July 18, 1969) is an American author, essayist, short story writer, biographer, novelist, and memoirist.
▪ She is best known for her 2006 memoir, Eat, Pray, Love,
She had more contributions as in
▪ The KGB Bar Reader: Buckle Bunnies (1998)
▪ Why I Write: Thoughts on the Craft of Fiction (contributor) (1999)
▪ A Writer’s Workbook: Daily Exercises for the Writing Life (foreword) (2000)
▪ The Best American Magazine Writing 2001: The Ghost (2001)
▪ The Best American Magazine Writing 2003: Lucky Jim (2003)
▪ At Home on the Range: Margaret Yardley Potter

B. Eat-Love-Pray Events
▪ Gilbert decides to take a year to travel
▪ She has chosen to visit three places that begin with “I”,
▪ The book opens with Liz already in Italy
▪ The memoir doesn’t necessary unfold in chronological order
▪ Gilbert does mention that she does not want to have children,
▪ She does not want to be married anymore
▪ She uses this instance to explain her faith in God
▪ The book ends as Liz falls in love again, both with herself and with a Brazilian man named Felipe.
2.Analysis /Argument
A. Many critics didn’t like Eat Pray Love. Largely,
B. Reasons
▪ Elizabeth Gilbert was able to go to more places because she had enough money to pay for it.
▪ That annoys a lot of people.
▪ It strikes them as unrealistic.
▪ Who has that kind of money?
▪ Why should we care what happens to this rich woman with her petty fantasy about self-realization?
▪ The words “navel gazing” come up a lot in reviews.
▪ Regular people don’t have time to “self-realize.”
▪ They have bills to pay. They can’t just fly off to Italy, and then India, and then Indonesia.

C. Evidence for supporting the story
▪ Gilbert did something brave.
▪ She left her familiar life for a year and lived alone in unfamiliar places.
▪ It isn’t really very fair to cast her adventure as uninteresting, because it is inherently interesting. It’s different.

▪ It’s unfair to imply a kind of emotional laziness .
▪ She takes on the project of acquiring a home for a divorced Balinese woman with no resources of her own.
▪ She agonizes over her decisions, and she acts with almost shocking sensitivity towards the people she encounters.
▪ The fact that this sensitivity is not directed at her ex-husband leaves some critics huffing with indignation .(Fridkis)

▪ Issues in life forces people to depart
▪ Hopeless makes us feel and end
▪ Life does not stay as it is
▪ Light comes at the end