How do you define the Trinity? In other words, how do you understand the Christian belief that God is “Three Persons in One God”?


a) Choose four Christian individuals and interview them in regard to their religious beliefs. Specific questions are given below. The four individuals should come from the following categories:
1. Priest, Nun, Brother, Minister, Deacon
2. Grandparent—or someone from that age group
3. Parent—or someone from that age group
4. Peer group member
b) Write a paper of no less than 7 pages (double spaced , 12 point font) summarizing the viewpoints of these four people. Using critical thinking skills, compare and contrast their understanding of Christianity. Please note: Giving a transcript of the interviews is not an acceptable format
c) In a comprehensive conclusion to the paper, give your reaction to or your interpretation of their views.

This is not a research paper…No outside sources need to be accessed. This paper is based on personal interviews and should be undertaken with the greatest care and respect for individual beliefs that are expressed. Names of interviewees are not essential and all answers should be treated in a confidential manner.
NOTE: The term paper is due on April 30 by midnight. The paper will be uploaded to the iLearn assignment. NO term paper will be accepted after this unless previously okayed by the instructor.
(90-100)–Superior in expression of insights and perception of the
material. Creative approach, skillful analysis of interview responses. Few, if any, grammatical and/or typographical errors.
(80-90)–Unique, insightful. More than three grammatical and/or typographical errors. Minimal attempt to compare interview responses.
(70-80)–Average completion of assignment. Satisfactory work for the undergraduate. Good perception, but needs further development. Numerous typographical or grammatical errors. Minimal attempt to compare interview responses.
(60-70)–Below average. Many mechanical/spelling/grammatical errors. Not well thought out. Less than 7 FULL pages completed.
(50-60)–Unsatisfactory work for the undergraduate student. Superficial. Less than 7 FULL pages completed.
(0-50)–Deficient in ways too numerous to mention.

Please list the extent of your religious education.
While going through religious education, were there times in which your faith wavered? If so, please describe the specific items that sparked questioning in your mind. If not, please describe your reaction to learning about your faith.
Do you consider yourself religious at this time? (Please do not ask this of the clergy person (category 1) We will assume that they consider themselves “religious”) What is your definition of “being religious”?
Do you believe that the Christian Church is the One True Church? How would you answer the question, “Can non-Christians experience salvation in the next life and/or enter Heaven?”
Have you ever doubted the existence of God? If so, could you tell me when?
Could you give me your definition of what God is?
What is the purpose of human life?
Which current controversial topic is the most challenging to Christian believers?
How do you define the Trinity? In other words, how do you understand the Christian belief that God is “Three Persons in One God”?
Do you go to Church on a regular basis right now? (Please do not ask this of the clergy person (category 1) We will assume that they go to church on a regular basis) Why do you go OR why do you not go to church? What is the purpose for going to Church?
Additional resources for assignment