Evolution of Marketing in China in Times of Social Media;

Social media in marketing is a key element in the development of a country. Most developed countries boast of vast and modern social media in marketing as compared to the less developed country (LDC). China has proven to become an economic giant in recent years in terms of trade, which is mainly due to the enormous investment in the trade. This, in return, has allowed China to compete domestically and internationally, creating a global mark (Ellis, 2009). This has led to poverty reduction, provision of employment, food security and income distribution. There have been various programs put in place since the 1990s to spur economic growth and reduce poverty through improved transportation, and this has risen over the years. The government of China has incorporated both quantity and quality social media in marketing (Chiu, C., Lin, D. & Silverman, 2012). Increased investment in irrigation and water conservation program. The success of china economy in terms of industrialization can be aggravated to the following:

Evolution of Marketing in China in Times of Social Media; A Weibo And Tiktok