Describe how you would pro-actively share relevant information, knowledge and skills with colleagues in the organisation.


Address the following:

Identify and describe working conditions that reflect and encourage innovative practices to enhance your vision for the organisation and increase productivity in an innovative way.

Consult with a group of friends or fellow students that will ‘play’ the role of employees and gather feedback on the working conditions that you are proposing in point a).

Attach evidence of consultation with and feedback from employees.
Example of evidence of consultation could be an email draft, a wiki page, a survey or a meeting agenda.
Example of evidence of feedback collected from employees could be: meeting minutes, response to a survey or an email back from an employee.
Note: if you are submitting an additional file, name it BSBINN502_T1_Work conditions_Your Name.

Indicate if any change will be implemented in the work conditions you have proposed based on the feedback received.

Develop workplace procedures that foster innovation and allow for rigorous evaluation of innovative ideas. Address the following:

Identify at least 3 workplace procedures that would foster innovation and allow for rigorous evaluation of innovative ideas in the organization.

Develop at least one of those three procedures identified in point a) (high level). Include your procedure below.

Note: if you are submitting an additional file, name it BSBINN502_T1_Workplace procedure_Your Name.

Discuss the following points:
How would you facilitate and participate in collaborative work arrangements to foster innovation in the organization?

How would you build and lead your team to work in ways that maximize opportunities for innovation?


Address the following:

How would you acknowledge suggestions, improvements and innovation from all colleagues in the organisation?
What ways to promote and support the evaluation of innovative ideas within the wider organisational context would you consider?
Touch on all points in your discussion.

Based on your scenario of choice, develop a plan to celebrate and promote innovation in the workplace.

Address the following:

Describe how you would pro-actively share relevant information, knowledge and skills with colleagues in the organisation.

Provide a sample of a method you would use to share information and knowledge and attach it with your submission. The sample should be customised for your scenario of choice.
Example: a wiki page, an email, a newsletter, an induction manual/process, a presentation about a process etc..
Note: if you are submitting an additional file, name it BSBINN502_T1_Knowledge share_Your Name.

Address the following:

Discuss how you would encourage formal and informal learning opportunities to help develop the skills needed for innovation. Include opportunities in which individuals can learn from the experience of others.

Provide evidence of a discussion with one of your fellow students who ‘plays’ the role of one your employee in regards to developing the skills needed for innovation.