Briefly explain the importance of each to your leadership development Professional Curriculum Vitae

The purpose of this assignment is to develop

(a) a leadership strength-to-strategy plan,

(b) a professional curriculum vitae (CV), and

(c) an action plan for leadership formation. The strengths-to-strategy plan (developed from the Week 1 interactive) formulates a plan to guide leadership development.

The CV provides a record of professional and academic accomplishments. The action plan addresses gaps or developmental opportunities in the CV while applying strategies from the strength-to-strategy plan. The strengths-to-strategy plan, professional CV, and developmental action plan contribute to the student’s professional development of skills and competencies relevant to the DNP-prepared nurse.

NR703 Professional CV Template (Links to an external site.)
Course Outcomes
This assignment enables the student to meet the following course outcomes:

CO3: Differentiate attributes of effective leaders and followers in influencing healthcare (PO6)

CO5: Formulate selected strategies for leadership and influence across healthcare systems (PO8)


Follow these guidelines when completing each component of this assignment. Contact your course faculty if you have questions.

The assignment will include the following components:
Uses APA 7th edition formatting and style guide
Submit the assignment in a Microsoft Word Document
Page numbers are required

There is no running head used
One title page
Suggested title: Strengths-to-Strategy, Curriculum Vitae, and Action Plan

Format the title page as shown in the APA Paper Template in the “Resources” tab of Canvas home page menu, as demonstrated below:
Strengths-to-Strategy, Curriculum Vitae, and Action Plan

College of Nursing
NR703: Applied Organizational & Leadership Concepts
May Session [or applicable Session] 2021
Turn on to correct grammar and punctuation (Note: Grammarly is not a requirement but is strongly recommended to catch errors in grammar, punctuation, typos, and other writing/APA standards.
Include an introduction and a conclusion paragraph
Use the following required level 1 headings:
Strengths-to-Strategy Plan
Professional Curriculum Vitae

Action Plan for Leadership Formation
Introduction (10 points)

Note: Do not use “Introduction” as a heading. Place the paper’s title on the first line to match the title on the title page
Present a clear purpose statement
Introduce the sections of the paper as a mini-outline in sentence format. The mini-outline should reflect the paper’s three primary sections as represented by the level 1 headings (excluding the conclusion, which is a component of all papers)
Establish the significance of the paper to you as a future DNP-prepared nurse.
Strength-to-Strategy Plan (40 points): Complete the Week 1 Strength-to-Strategy Plan interactive exercise located in the Explore section of Week 1 after taking the Zenger-Folkman Extraordinary Leader Assessment

Use the Strength-to-Strategy Plan interactive to provide the rough information for this section of the paper, written in a Microsoft Word document (The APA Paper Template is recommended)

Create four (4) required level 2 headings that reflect the Week 1 interactive results:
Leadership Strengths

In at least one paragraph, describe in complete sentences three (3) strengths you discovered in the interactive and
Briefly explain the importance of each to your leadership development

Leadership Opportunities
In at least one paragraph, describe in complete sentences three (3) opportunities you discovered in the interactive in complete sentences and

Briefly explain the importance of each to your leadership development

Strategies for Turning Opportunities into Strengths
In at least one paragraph, describe in complete sentences three (3) strategies for turning opportunities (weak areas) into strengths you discovered in the interactive in complete sentences and
Briefly explain the importance of each to your leadership development

Strategies for Leveraging Others’ Strengths
In at least one paragraph, describe in complete sentences two (2) strategies for leveraging other people’s strengths to compensate for your weak areas, and

Briefly explain the importance of each to your leadership development
Professional Curriculum Vitae (40 points):

Use the required NR703 Professional CV Template (linked at top of page) attached as an Appendix after the paper.
Development hint: Before working with the CV template, use the “Borders” feature of Microsoft Word to show “All Borders” in the document. This will enable you to see the rows and columns of the document clearly:

In the editing section of the Home Tab in MSWord, “Select All” from the “Select” drop-down box.
In the “paragraph” section of the Home tab, find the dropdown box for borders and select “All Borders.”
Save your document.

Attachment hint: Save your completed CV as a Microsoft Word document. To attach the CV Template to the end of your paper, follow these steps:
In the editing section of the Home Tab in MSWord, “Select All” from the “Select” drop-down box.

Use the “Copy” feature to copy the whole document that has been selected.

Go to the MSWord copy of your completed paper and “Paste” the whole document at the end of your paper.
Save your document.
Contact your faculty if you encounter problems.

The Curriculum Vitae section of the paper’s body should introduce your CV, explain your impressions as you constructed it in the template, and note any insights or surprises you discovered. In this section, include the instructions to the reader to see the Appendix, either in the sentence or within parentheses. Do not post the VV in this section of the paper.

The professional CV should include the following (NOTE: There may be items in the CV that you have not accomplished in your development, but it is required that you leave the headings/sections & enter “None” or “N/A” if a section has no entries):
Name and Contact Information
List all educational institutions attended in reverse chronological order

Include date degree conferred, degree earned, institution, and location

Include your DNP degree with the anticipated graduate date
Professional Licensure: RN licensure and APRN/Other Licenses
List state(s) of licensure
Do not list license numbers

National Professional Certifications
Include the date(s) of certification, the certification name, and certifying organization
Professional Work History

List all employment in reverse chronological order

Include ONLY dates of employment, position, institution, and location of the position held
Professional Associations and Activities

List dates, role, and organization
Awards and Honors

List dates, awards, and granting organizations
Research and Grants

List dates, role, title, sponsor, and monetary award
Publication: Books, Book Chapters, and Journal Articles
Provides complete reference in APA (7th ed.) format and
Bold your name within the reference
Presentations: International, National, Regional, or Local
Include date, title, conference, sponsor, and city
Volunteer activities
Include dates, role, and organization

References Available Upon Request
Action Plan (50 points): Include three (3) required level two headings (as listed below) with 1 paragraph each that supports your leadership formation. The action plan should include the following three sections:

Analysis of Current CV: An analysis of your current CV, including your
greatest accomplishments and
what you are most proud of in your career journey

Plan of Action for Strengthening CV: A plan of action for strengthening your CV by adding accomplishments to areas in which you may not have entries or have limited entries.
Plan of Action to Turn Opportunities into Strengths: A plan of action for using the strategies for turning your most significant leadership developmental opportunities (weaknesses) into strengths (this section can use summarized items from the Strength-to-Strategy Plan).

Conclusion (10 points):
Recap the paper’s purpose statement and restate the mini-outline
Draw major conclusions from the body of your paper
Summarize the importance of professional development to you as a future DNP-prepared nurse.
Writing Organization and Mechanics (10 points)
One document is created using the four level 1 headings & the level 2 headings prescribed
The standard Chamberlain CV Template is used for the CV section, placed as an Appendix, and includes all sections (even if some sections have no entries)
Grammar and mechanics are free of errors (it is highly suggested that is used
APA style and standard English language are used & abbreviations/acronyms are explained
You will submit one document with all sections included in the following organization:

Title Page
Introduction section (with the title repeated on the first line)
Strengths-to-Strategy Plan
Professional Curriculum Vitae
Action Plan for Leadership Formation
References (if used)
NOTE: If more than one Appendix is used, label them Appendix A, Appendix B, and so forth.