Write this as if presenting to someone who has no idea what your organisation does.

The Contemporary Business Environment

Organisation Analysis

Coursework Task

The coursework consists of an individual report in two parts (total 3,000 words).

You have to pick a company or organisation in which you are interested (perhaps you have already worked for it, plan to do a placement with it or hope to work for it in the future). It can be any size or type, global, international or national, profit or not-for-profit, but bear in mind that you will need to access information about this organisation on a regular basis and therefore the company should have a public profile. Some examples used in the past include multinational businesses, charitable organisations, sports clubs, etc.

Part A: 40% (approx. 1,500 words)

Provide a brief overview of the organisation (history, operations, markets, financial situation, etc.). Write this as if presenting to someone who has no idea what your organisation does.

Put together a list of all the major stakeholder groups for your organisation and discuss how each of these groups is connected to your organisation, i.e. what is the relationship between the stakeholder group and the organisation (what does each party get from the relationship and why?).

Part B: 60% (approx. 1,500 words):

Using current news articles (since January 2021) discuss how your organisation is (positively and/or negatively) impacted upon by governments / politics (e.g. you may wish to look at the current political decisions regarding the COVID pandemic and consequences of this for your organisation OR you may wish to look how the new political situation in the USA will impact your organisation). You need to ensure that you reference your chosen articles clearly. (Suggested word count for this section is approx. 650 words).

Choose one current news item or article (since January 2021) concerning innovation. Using this item as a base for discussion, explain how innovation plays a role in your organisation. You need to ensure that you reference your chosen article clearly. The article does not have to be specifically about YOUR organisation, but should cover issues that could have an impact on your organisation (e.g. the development of AI). (Suggested word count for this section is approx. 650 words).

Provide an overall conclusion to your work. This should include reference to Part A and also clearly show how your organisation is impacted upon by the international environment. (Suggested word count for this section is approx. 200 words).

Part A: The coursework should be in report format. This should be submitted by 2pm on Monday 8th March 2021. You will receive feedback on this report in Week 8 in order to help you with your second part.

Part B: The coursework should be in report format. You should submit Part B, together with Part A, to make one report), by 2pm on Monday 17th May 2021. You should not alter any of the content of Part A (but you may provide one single updated reference list for Parts A and B together)

Your writing style should be 3rd person business report and the report should draw on a range of information sources (e.g. articles, reports in magazines/press, the internet etc).

Word Count and Format

Part A = 1,500 words (+/- 10%)
Part B = 1,500 words (+/- 10%)

All material (academic and other) that you cite should be properly referenced in the text and in the reference list (in Harvard style) at the end of your report.