Using excel and the filter application find all the journal entries that would be flagged based on step 1

1. Discuss journal entries that would be of interest to investigate the economic value of the entry. For instance, think about the timing, who makes the journal entry, or even patterns that may appear over time that would be of interest to investigate. List out at least 4 different flagged items that would need to be investigated and explain the concern affiliated with each journal entry. Some general analyses to consider include account analyses, user analyses, and journal entry characteristics analyses. Note, a journal entry can be flagged for multiple concerns. For example if someone made a large entry to revenue on the last day of the year it would be flagged due to the timing of the journal entry as well as the materiality of the amount made to a revenue account. Think about the process of making a journal entry and the risks associated with the process (i.e., manually typing in the entry).

Deliverable: word document– For 10 points: you must identify four different types of journal entries that would have an increased risk and explain why there is an increase in risk. Further, the journal entries cannot be account specific. For instance, bad debt expense is not a good example of a general risk associated with the journal entry process.

2. Using excel and the filter application find all the journal entries that would be flagged based on step 1. (5 points)

Deliverable: an excel document with four tabs (one for each risk)– For 5 points, you need to filter and present ALL journal entries that exhibit the risk characteristics mentioned in part 1. You can find the excel document for this assignment on the Journal Entry tab of your excel document that has all of your notes. Please do not submit the entire workbook of the g/l dump. You should copy these into a separate excel workbook to avoid submitting too large of a file.