Describe the limitations of your study and any strategies you used to try to manage these.

Quality improvement project -Report

Assessment – Quality Improvement Project

1. RESULTS / FINDINGS (750-1000 words)

Report on your project, but do not discuss the results compared to the literature at this stage. Provide a participant summary, including the number of participants and any demographic data collected. Present the findings from your data analysis in a clear, logical and succinct manner. Label and number any diagrams, charts, and graphs. Attribute participant quotes from the data appropriately. Use participant numbers (e.g., Participant 1) or pseudonyms. Tables and figures (if used) should present relevant data which adds substance but does not duplicate what you have written.

2. DISCUSSION (750 words)
Discuss the relevance and implications of your results. Describe how your findings fit with other contemporary research in the area. Relate the discussion to your literature review, research question and aims and objectives.

3. LIMITATIONS (200 words)

Describe the limitations of your study and any strategies you used to try to manage these. Limitations are the influences that the researcher cannot control. They are the shortcomings, conditions or influences that may place restrictions on the methodology and results.

4. RECOMMENDATIONS (250 words)

List in bullet point form recommendations for practice change. Recommendations must directly result from your interpretation and discussion of the findings. List the recommendations in order of priority. Write these recommendations for an audience of peers from your discipline.

5. CONCLUSION (250 words)

Write a summary of your research findings and their implications and a brief outline of your plan for dissemination of the findings and recommendations.