Define health and wellbeing and discuss perceptions of health, health literacy, social influence and behaviour whilst giving regard to equality and diversity.


Uk writer please. As all statistics are around UK CITY

This is a PowerPoint presentations

The topic chosen is diabetic in ethnic minority groups

Also when comparing please can it be around Manchester (UK) area and when comparing the areas would it be possible if Manchester (UK) can be compared with London.

PLEASE FOLLOW THE GUIDLINES INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY. Please make sure all the learning outcomes are met. Please ensure work is fully referenced using Harvard.. please make it look nice and visualise with graph pictures etc ..

The learning outcomes must be met

LO1: Locate, select, present and discuss relevant health data to identify the health needs of a vulnerable group or community.

LO2: Define health and wellbeing and discuss perceptions of health, health literacy, social influence and behaviour whilst giving regard to equality and diversity.

LO3: Discuss the determinants of health, illness and wellbeing and apply this to patterns of health and wellbeing outcomes.

LO4: Discuss the aims and principles of health promotion, protection and improvement and how this can benefit a community to improve mental, physical, behavioural and other health related outcomes.

Please ensure work is too a high standards and critically discussed!!

Any problems or issues please message me