Does your workplace have a social media policy? If yes, what does the policy say?

Topic 8 Part 2 Class Exercises – please review and come ready to discuss

On the basis of your reading, try to answer the following questions: Refer to relevant sections in legislation or cases or books.

Does the employee have a duty to obey lawful and reasonable direction given by a supervisor or manager? Does this duty have to be expressly set out in the employment contract? Explain.
Is an employer able to vary an employee’s duties if the new duties remain within the scope of the original job?
Is it lawful and reasonable for employers to impose dress standards on employees who deal with customers?
Is it lawful and reasonable for employers to control the use of their work computers?
Is it lawful and reasonable for employers to control their employees’ behaviour on social media?
Read the decision in Starr v Dept of Human Services [2016] FWC 1460, do you agree with the Commission’s reasoning? Why or Why not?
Does your workplace have a social media policy? If yes, what does the policy say?
Must a workplace have a social media policy before it may dismiss a worker for misconduct on social media? See Herbert Smith Freehills article.