Critically evaluate the role of the Paramedic within the inter-professional team in primary and urgent care

Guidance for summative assessment


On successful completion of the module students will be able to:

1.            Critically evaluate the role of the Paramedic within the inter-professional team in primary and urgent care

2.            Critically discuss problem solving strategies in the assessment and care of patients

3.            Utilise evidence to inform and enhance patient assessment and management

Summative Assessment

The summative assessment for this module will be in two parts:

Part 1

The student will research and design a poster presentation around practice advancement for
Paramedics within primary and urgent care

2000 notional words (+/- 10%)
This must meet Learning Outcomes 1,2 & 3
60% of the overall module mark.

Part 2

Explanation of the rationale behind the proposed practice advancement; with questions
relating to the challenges considered in implementation

Viva Voce (20 minutes)
This must meet Learning Outcomes 1,2 & 3
40% of the overall module mark.

Assignment guidance

Please note, as part of the programme attendance at all lectures, skills sessions and tutorials
are essential to your course. You will be required to complete a range of statutory,
mandatory and core skills training. The programme leaders/module leaders will provide you
with detail on the content, related updates and associated deadlines for completion.
Students who do not complete all statutory/mandatory training and core skills within the
required timescales will not be permitted to commence their placement experience.

HEA 3301 specific assignment guidance

The poster should be designed and presented as an A1 poster which could be presented at a professional conference.  All aspects of the practice advancement should be incorporated into the poster.

The second part of the assignment will be a vocal presentation of the poster to a panel.  The panel will receive the presentation lasting no longer than 10 minutes then have a further 10 minutes to ask questions relating to the challenges of implementation of the advancement described.

There are various methods that could be employed to meet these learning outcomes.  You will need to do the research and evaluation prior to the creation of the poster.  The poster will then show the role of the Paramedic in the inter-professional team that you are basing the project within, for example, a GP surgery.  Problem solving strategies will be discussed and this discussion will be supported by the information on the poster.  Finally, the actual project itself will be shown on the poster and discussed in depth, this will then fulfil LO3.  You need to look at the challenges you might face when implementing a change in practice and be prepared for questions on this aspect in addition to questions to clarify any points presented.  The design of the poster is completely in your hands.  At this level there is no right or wrong answer, the learning outcomes need to be fulfilled completely to be successful, how you do that is your decision.

It is essential that you follow the word count guidance and rules on confidentiality as
detailed in the Programme Handbook.