The ICA assesses all of the module’s learning outcomes as specified below:
Research, Knowledge & Cognitive Skills
1. Identify, evaluate and explain internet investigation concepts, processes and procedures, supporting communicating in a range of complex and specialized contexts.
2. Autonomously research and identify the key components of an internet investigation including the appropriate techniques for the extraction and analysis of relevant device and application data.
3. Identify and develop advanced techniques for internet forensics which allow you to design substantial investigations to address significant areas of theory and/or practice.
Professional Skills
4. Approach an internet investigation adhering to appropriate standards and legal and ethical frameworks.
5. Incorporate a critical ethical dimension to their practice managing the implications of ethical dilemmas, working proactively with others to formulate solutions
Personal and Transferable Skills
6. Organise and interpret complex data, using personal reflection to analyse self and own actions.
7. Make connections between known and unknown areas, to allow for adaptation and change
8. Demonstrate a sophisticated understanding of Internet investigations and the ability to operate responsibly within them.