How did the underlying factors contributing to the problem connect into your proposed solution?


Introduction to the Problem
Make clear who/what organization
you are sending this policy plan to.
Description and significance of the problem you are examining.

Could bring in some concepts from class here as to why the issue is significant in terms of social justice and human rights
Evidence of the scope of the issue and problem.

Policy Review
Discuss and review what standing policies (in the US and/or Global depending on your issue) exist. What is their scope? This is where you bring in some of the 7-10 sources.

What were the main themes? Main findings? Where there overlaps in how this policy problem has been handled in the past?
Weaknesses of existing policies
What was overlooked? Are relevant aspects of the problem not being addressed? Make sure to reiterate here why it is important to have a new/different policy solution here.

Recommendation for a Policy Solution
After reading up on the topic, what solution do you argue would help solve the problem?

How did the underlying factors contributing to the problem connect into your proposed solution?