Read this brief article: on how AI is used in business, and this article:,towards%20decentralized%2C%20nearly%20anonymous%20platforms. After reading, answer the […]
Tag: machine learning
What is the role of theory and hypotheses when analyzing Big Data? What prerequisites must data fulfill in order to be used for Machine Learning?
What is the role of humans in AI? What is the role of theory and hypotheses when analyzing Big Data? […]
Who was impacted by the decisions, and what was the impact?
Evaluation framework For each business opportunity you choose, you are required to evaluate the machine learning method by considering the […]
Tell us how you have demonstrated continuous perseverance and tenacity to achieve a long-term goal or overcome challenges and setbacks throughout your life.
Personal Story a. At LinkedIn, we strive for a culture that embraces and represents diverse ways of thinking, background, and […]
How will the working world change due to big data, machine learning and AI?
How will the working world change due to big data, machine learning and AI?