Develop marketing strategy for new physicians being recruited to the system. The ideal situation would be to have a common identity for all marketing material. In the past the marketing material has been local hospital based.

CEO Instruction to Marketing Team
The marketing department for East Chestnut Regional Health System will be asked to step up their game to develop a marketing plan for the regional health system. The CEO has had some concerns regarding the ability of the marketing department to keep up with the rapidly moving strategic environment that he has created. So he established a time line for the department to develop a system wide marketing plan over the next six weeks. The VP of marketing has been in all of the senior leadership cabinet meetings so she is aware of all of the details. Therefore, the learning curve regarding the institutional strategic goals is of no concern.

The following are elements that the CEO wants in the marketing plan.

A consultant, Faith & Main, was used to test the impression of the women in the key service markets for East Chestnut Health System. The summary of the consultant’s report can be seen above. The survey covered all aspects of women’s care. The marketing department will need to develop a marketing campaign to match the recommendations of the consultant’s report.

It is recognized that the age span for communicating with women consumers will be quite variable. On one end of the spectrum you have the younger child bearing age women, next are the women that are middle aged followed by women that are pre-elederly then those that are elderly. Therefore, a communication plan using social media to conventional marketing techniques will be required.

A communication plan will need to be developed for the closure of the regional burn center as well the exiting the accountable care organization and the closure of the behavioral health hospital.

A communication plan will be needed to deal with the closure of AH.

A branding strategy will need to be developed to overcome the current weak brand identity that is in place for the combined ECRH entities.

Develop marketing strategy for new physicians being recruited to the system. The ideal situation would be to have a common identity for all marketing material. In the past the marketing material has been local hospital based.

Develop marketing plan for the Primary Care Medical Home strategy as well the retail strategy for the primary care network.

Proactively lay out a framework of communication to manage any negative outcomes of the legal matters that the health system is now confronting.

The Federal Trade Commission investigation of the anti-trust issues for ECRH.

The predatory collections occurred as part of NMHC. It is felt that this case will force these rural hospitals to move to a taxable entity with the loss of their not-for-profit status. The development of this problem came as a result of poor leadership within the consortium.

Develop advertising campaign for the opening of the new oncology center.

Develop advertising campaign for the ED/Trauma services of ECRH.