How you have considered ethical issues related to researching and discussing the impact of community on learning and progress Give the details of the practitioner based enquiry you carried out. You should include your methodology

Designing the enquiry and methodology (approximately 700 words)
In this section you should set out the details of the enquiry and strategies that you will
implement and how you will assess the success of this. You will need to address:
 The details of the enquiry: what, when, where, how, for how long will you change
your practice to address the need which you are targeting?
 The rationale for your approach and how you will (begin to) measure the impact of
the strategies by collecting and analysing data from a range of sources. You should
acknowledge the limitations of your enquiry in terms of the conclusions you will be
able to draw.
 How you have considered ethical issues related to researching and discussing the
impact of community on learning and progress
Give the details of the practitioner based enquiry you carried out. You should include your
 What evidence have you collected?
 Is it qualitative/quantitative/both?
 Have you used a sample of children’s work? Why did you choose those particular
 Why did you collect this evidence in this way? What were the limitations of this
 How have you considered ethical issues relating to research and discussing the
impact of community on learning and progress? You must refer to Ethical
Guidelines for Educational Research (BERA)

Evaluation & Reflection (approximately 1500 words)
Reflect on and evaluate your enquiry (you may wish to use a reflective model). In what ways
was your enquiry successful or unsuccessful and how do you know? What impact has this
work had on your development as a teacher and on the learning that took place in the
classroom? Consider how this work contributes to your own beliefs about teaching and
learning. You should draw on evidence from journal entries, planning, data, pupil work and
pupil and parental voice.

Throughout your evaluation you must refer to the literature discussed in part 2. Does your
evaluation support or reject the arguments you identified? Following this work, what changes
will you make to your practice?