A BRIEF introduction of, or title, to explain the purpose and major points to be covered in the visit. Why would they want to read more than a sentence or two of this document? What’s the hook?

Leave Behind (1-pager) Your final project is comprised of 2 parts, This document will go into more detail on part II the written one-pager or leave-behind as it’s commonly known. Both names are interchangeable in this instance and depend on who it is you’re approaching with your policy issue and action request. What is a leave behind? Think of it as a one page graphically appealing snapshot of the high points you’d like them to know. It should be easily read and understood by someone with little knowledge of your subject. It’s the document they use to dig a little deeper into your issue and should absolutely contain a few specific elements:

1. 5 points: A BRIEF introduction of, or title, to explain the purpose and major points to be covered in the visit. Why would they want to read more than a sentence or two of this document? What’s the hook?

2. 3 points: A BRIEF explanation of the issue on which you’d like their attention focused. You can use a little background here. Make it visual. You can using clip art, infographics, color blocking, or photographs, etc.

3, 3 points: A clear target audience should be evident. Are you targeting a nurse leader with a solid knowledge base to start with? Are you talking to a legislator with no professional knowledge of the healthcare industry? Are you targeting the general public where you may have to simplify your message for the masses at an 8th grade reading level? Use phrases like “As a nurse, you already know..,”, or “As a legislator it’s important that you know.,.”, or “Many individuals don’t know this but,…,”.

4. 5 points: Identify the major points. What problem have you identified and what’s your solution? Does it cost money or time Does it waste resources? Is it evidence based decision making? Your solution should be clearly stated. Use phrases like “We can reduce cost by or “Reducing waste is not only cost effective, it’s environmentally sound,”

5. 5 points: What’s THE ASK? What do you want them to do or commit to doing? What are your key recommendations? The ask is the point of why you’re there. What EXACTLY do you want? “Support WA nurses by voting in support of HB1245….”, or “Eliminate this issue in our hospital by …”.
(5. 2 points: Who are you and where can they find you if they have questions?

7. 9 points/3 each: References to support your message. You need at least 3 but one can be a popular news source to address public opinion. Stick to reputable news sources like CNN, Reuters, the AP, BBC, etc. Please avoid sources like MSNBC, FOX, and any highly editorialized and partisan reporting on social media. References do not all have to be research papers! You may use articles from professional websites, trade magazines, or other academic sources. You may use the back of the document or a second page for your resources only and there should be an indication on the front side that reference are on the back. List references by using APA style. There are several free reference or citation generators on line or you can contact the UW library for assistance.

TOTAL 35 Points