1. When Women Thrive, Society and Nature Thrive. How do the following videos and articles demonstrate the importance of women’s and girls’ well-being as a prerequisite for economic development and saving the planet?
Too Young to Wed:
Feeding the World with Agroecology:
Kenya’s Greenbelt Movement: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vo2bBzw2m84
2. Refer to the videos and readings in answering the question(s) directed to you. After examining the readings and articles below, answer these prompts as thoughtfully as you can?
~ In what ways has a reliance on export-oriented monoculture (an example of commodity dependence) and other “economic solutions” to climate change led to a parallel disaster similar to that of the Aral Sea?
~How is agroecology (remember your third assignment!) an example of an unorthodox economic solution that is almost the opposite of the neoliberal (laissez-faire and returns to exports as the generator of the economy) approaches?
https://www.nationalgeographic.com/magazine/2018/12/palm-oil-products-borneo-africa-environment-impact/ (Readings attached)
https://www.nationalgeographic.com/environment/2018/12/palm-oil-destroying-rainforests-household-items/ (Readings attached)