Using the binomial test, we have strong evidence (p=0.007) to suggest that prevalence of dementia in the aged care facility is higher than the population estimate of 12%


Question 1: A sample of 120 patients were randomly selected from the aged care facility. Out of these 25 people had a diagnosis of dementia. Use jamovi to test the hypothesis that the prevalence of dementia in this aged care facility is same as the population prevalence of 12%.

Which of the following is correct?

a) Using McNemar’s test, we have strong evidence (p=0.007) to suggest that prevalence of dementia in the aged care facility is higher than the population estimate of 12%.

b) Using the binomial test, we have strong evidence (p=0.007) to suggest that prevalence of dementia in the aged care facility is higher than the population estimate of 12%.

c) Using the binomial test, we have strong evidence (p=< 0.001) to suggest that prevalence of dementia in the aged care facility is lower than the population estimate of 12%.

Question 2: Performance of ‘Flocked’ swab and ‘Traditional’ swab was compared for their ability to detect Shigella (a common pathogen) in 236 children with gastroenteritis in Botswana (Mokomane et al., 2016). Shigella was detected by both swabs in 39 children, only by flocked swab in 18 children, only by traditional swab in 6 children and not detected by either in 173 children. Enter these data into jamovi and perform McNemar’s test for paired proportions.

What proportion (expressed as percentage) of children had Shigella detected by ‘Traditional’ swab? (Respond with the numerical value only presented with one decimal place)  ___